Friday, July 22, 2005

Why is Chris Daly excited?

Supervisor Chris Daly in BeyondChron: 

I’ve got very exciting news. As of about one hour ago, individuals with development interests in Rincon Hill and community members came to agreement on a package for development and associated mitigations [in the area].

Daly is "excited" after extracting higher fees from developers who want to put five high-rise residential towers for rich people in his district. Now the only issue for our progressive Board of Supervisors is how to spend the loot, not whether luxury condos in 50-story residential highrises should be built in the city in the first place. 

The city has waived height and density regulations to allow this atrocity. You can't "mitigate" a massive development like this; Daly should have opposed it from the start. 

Mayor Newsom praised Daly for being "a very strong advocate for his district," even though the Rincon Towers will completely trash that part of his district.

Community "activist" April Veneracion of the South of Market Community Action Network: "It's a recognition that we live here, we're a community and you can't just steamroll over us." (SF Examiner, July 22-24) 

This just in to April: You were just steamrolled. Whatever community that now exists in the area will be obliterated by luxury highrise condos for thousands of rich people.

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Bevan is Listening. Is Joanne?

To Joanne Minsky/PROSF:
July 21, 2005

"UC outgrew the Laguna-Haight location for their Extension program." That is simply untrue. Even UC hasn't claimed that they "outgrew" that location. Rather, they claim they can't afford to bring it up to a standard of usability due to long-deferred maintenance, ADA requirements, seismic upgrades, etc. 

The fact that they are paying more than $2 million a year to lease downtown space for the same operation shows that the mega-institution's claim of poverty is a lie. 

Why doesn't UC just put the $2 million into rehabbing the Laguna-Haight location? The answer is obvious: They want to cash in on a property they have had tax-free from the city since 1958.

Rob Anderson

July 20, 2005

UC out grew the Laguna-Haight location for their Extension program. Extensions programs serve people who have jobs for the most part, people who are trying to better themselves and continue their education. It's easy for people who have completed their education or are able to take classes during normal work hours. 

But it isn't easy for regular working people, care givers who can't get out during the day, or who those who can't attend UC Berkeley or Cal State SF. Higher education should be available to everyone. City College only provides technical and lower division classes. If you are working on a BA, you need university classes. Extension also provides many interesting classes that broaden one's horizon. Education is for everyone and a new Extension facility will provide that.

Joanne Minsky

July 19, 2005


Supervisor Dufty on UC's proposal for the old extension site: "I am listening to the ongoing Community Outreach process. I am aware that there is interest in maintaining the site as a public purpose, such as the New College campus. I am open to that discussion and met with New College's President last week. So while I don't have a position, I am listening to all sides." 

Dufty should listen to this: In spite of their claims of poverty, UC is now paying $1.26 million at 425 Market St. and $846,000 at 95 Third St. to house the Extension program that used to be at the Laguna-Haight location.

Rob Anderson

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