Friday, May 20, 2016

Lies about Masonic Avenue prevail

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Jim Herd photo

The Masonic Avenue bike project will not "improve" anything for the more than 12,000 daily passengers on the #43 line. It will even make the trip between Fell Street and Geary Boulevard slower, since it will permanently remove the two parking lanes on Masonic to make separated bike lanes. Those two parking lanes are now converted into traffic lanes in the morning and evening to help Masonic handle the commute traffic.

The other lie on the sign: that this is a "streetscape project," not essentially a bike project. The same lie is used to describe the Polk Street bike project.

In June 2016, the city will be breaking ground on the Masonic Avenue Streetscape Project. This community-initiated project will build a better, safer, and more attractive Masonic Avenue from Fell to Geary. After a multi-year public planning process, the project was approved in 2012 with improvements including a new public plaza, wider sidewalks, repaving, a new median, sewer and water upgrades, new trees, better lighting and raised bikeways.

There's a lot of dishonesty and stupidity in this short paragraph. Why would Masonic need "wider sidewalks"? They are already among the widest in the city, which is why the few cyclists that now use Masonic often ride on the sidewalks. 

Of course there's nothing wrong with the existing trees on Masonic, except that they have to be cut down to make room for the bike lanes. The "public plaza" will be the small triangular space at Masonic and Geary where some garish "art" will be added to make it "new" and unimproved.

The "multi-year planning process" on Masonic featured a ten-year campaign of lies and disinformation by the Bicycle Coalition and its City Hall allies.

But the biggest lie is about the safety of Masonic, which I wrote about here several years ago. Otherwise, hey, they got it just right!

San Francisco Citizen gets it wrong (He's gotten it wrong before): "I don’t think Masonic will be 'transformed.' I don’t think we’ll end up with a 'new' Masonic."

Of course Masonic will be "transformed," but the only public benefit will be the paving and the "sewer and water upgrades," assuming the city doesn't screw that up, too.

The primary beneficiaries of this project will be an unknown number of future cyclists who will get protected bike lanes. The city has no idea how many cyclists will use those lanes after the project is finished, but it won't be nearly enough to justify screwing up traffic for everyone else that now uses Masonic, the 12,000 daily #43 passengers and more than 32,000 other vehicles.

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Building bigger lies for everyone

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At 3:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The SFMTA is no longer a city department established to run MUNI and DPT. They have become aprivate urban redesign development company. There's got to be something illegal about that? Maybe a lawsuit?

At 4:00 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

Based on what?

At 5:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Based on CEQA.

At 5:17 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

You have to sue based on specific projects, not a government agency.

At 5:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So why not sue based on the Masonic Project?

At 8:17 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

Too late. All the deadlines have passed.

At 1:07 PM, Blogger Ed said...

Based on the fact that prop e was passed with certain requirements were not fulfilled . hasn't happened. Muni is beyond fucked up worse than what it was back then.
Every funding bill for the Sfmta had requirements not fulfilled. They have yet to cover one pot hole.
Safety fire department complains about bulbouts they're told you find another route. That's besides slowing there response times hence 5th and Folsom where fire trucks etc get stuck on 5 after changing light times and the lanes. Not to mention the rest of the city
ADA issues cutting off access by closing off certain streets.
Limiting ones freedom of travel as well as taking those freedoms away by forcing us to travel and live a certain way.

Improper spending of public funds. They haven't done anything we have approved funding for.
For example: vision zero that wasn't on any bill it's not even city policy yet they're using the funding that was passed to improve muni and fix our potholes for that crap.

I'm no lawyer so I wouldn't know technicalities or legal terms but it's fucking impossible to believe there wouldn't be a lawsuit under one of which I have listed above. Sfmta is pretty much a dictator ship. Took dpt land and sold it to developers who approved that?

Just a note I'm sure under any lawsuit can get a subpeona for. Bycicle coalition member list. Then shit comes out.

Again I'm no lawyer but there's gotta be something.

At 2:51 PM, Blogger Ed said...

Improper use of funds.
Painting red over potholes that were suppose to get fixed a condition under any funding ballot.
Not following through with prop e
Not following through what has been promised for funding ballots.
Still have pot holes nothing has been fixed right? That's one example. Instead money being spent on vision zero which is not policy and being forced down our throats.
ADA closing off access to streets forcing you to turn etc.
Safety making streets so bad slowing down emergency response times. Take Folsom @5th. Took away one lane and messed up 5th street. Fire engine comes out onto Folsom in traffic turns into 5th in traffic. Also when just going down Folsom they're in the bike lane. Fire department complains about bulbouts yet publicly told to find another route.
Freedom of travel being twin away and limited to where they want you to walk drive pretty much forcing you and telling you to travel this way.
Muni not running on time as stated in a ballot. We are way past 2004

Breaking the law by not allowing the public to speak. Instead they set up workshops with a bunch of boards like a science fair.
Allowing non licensed people create designs and plans as state law requires a licensed civil engineer amongst a coupl of other things.

I'm no lawye not to I have the knowledge of legal technicalities and terms of any of it but it seems impossible to believ not one lawsuit and come out of anything against this dictatorship. I'm sure any lawyer can find it. There is something

Side note: a lawsuit can probably bring on a subpeona for bycicle coalition membership list and cause half of the Sfmta to lose their jobs.


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